Certificate Change
On 27th November 2018 there will be an Campus Wide change in EDUROAM Setup. Both LRZ and Faculty of Physics will change the Certificates for the Raidus Servers to the new DFN CA Hierarchy. All users of EDUROAM will be affected by this change.
To not loose connectivity, please change settings in advance.
For Android-Users (and modern Linux-Systems) it is really easy:
In the WLAN-Settings of your device tap long onto the entry „eduroam" and then tap on the menu entry „Network Settings". Choose for „EAP-Method" the entry „PWD" aus and let other settings unchanged. Accept by "Save". That's it! (In Linux accordingly in the Network-Manager)
For all other Windows-, Linux-, Mac OS- or IOS-Operatingsystems there is slightly mor effort:
Browse to the CAT-Tools Website on https://cat.eduroam.de/ and follow the instructions. Choose the correct Organisation "LMU, Faculty of Physics" (or Ludwig Maximilians University, Faculty of Physics) . The tool will detect which operating system you use, and provides an executable File for your system.