IT-Service Faculty of Physics

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About us

The computer administration group (RBG) of the Faculty of Physics consists of full-time and student staff. We provide and manage a wide range of IT services for the Faculty of Physics. Our backgrounds are in computer science, engineering and physics. Our primary focus is on system administration.


Our services cover direct first-level support for users, the provision of central services, and the set-up and operation of the server rooms. As the Faculty of Physics has several sites, the RBG is subdivided as follows:

  • Theresienstraße
  • Garching
  • Salinenhof
  • Geschäftsstelle (administration office)
  • CIP pool

In addition, many chairs/work groups have their own administrators who assist us by supporting users or by channelling requests to us.

Our services are customized to the needs of the areas we support. Beside the central services and the site-specific services, we also address specific requirements of the chairs/work groups, such as:

  • network drives
  • connection to directory services
  • grid infrastructure
  • user support