IT-Service Faculty of Physics

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Corporate Design

The LMU's corporate design requirements include the use of special fonts. The Faculty of Physics has been allocated a sufficient number of licenses for the use of the standard font family to allow installation of these fonts on all of the secretaries' and other staff's computers. However, for licensing reasons, open distribution of the fonts is not permitted. Please note in particular that distribution of the fonts to people who are not members of LMU or the Faculty is not allowed.

The computer administration group provides complete packages for different operating systems. The download of the fonts is protected and only possible with a Faculty of Physics staff LMU account.

Password-protected downloads of the corporate font:

  • For Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X (zip file)
  • For SUSE Linux (RPM file)
  • For Fedora Core, Scientific Linux, RedHat Enterprise, CentOS (RPM file)
  • For Debian and compatible operating systems (Ubuntu) (deb file)